Fundamental principles of injection moulding
The handbook will assist yau in setting up your in jection moulding machine and entering the crucial parameters. It is divided into 12 sections:
1. Table of symbols
2. Flow chart
3. Fundamental principles of injection moulding
4. Mould installation and control
5. Mould wall temperature
6. Temperatures of the plasticizing unit
7. Clamping unit
8. Aggregate movements
9. Basic settings of the plasticizing unit
10. Mould filling study and changeaver point
11. Optimization of the settings
12. Process fluctuations
23,00 €
(zzgl. MwSt.)
- edition 2010
- 73 pages
- color print
- available in German and English language
Extract (english)
Scale price
from 6 items 21,00 €
from 11 items 19,00 €